E-Glider… Electric Paramotor

Sep 17, 2011 7 Comments by

Mais um paramotor eletrico no mercado o E – Glider… Uma selete motorizada… Caracteristicas técnicas do equipamento… Harness Weight: 8,5Kg (harness, internal aluminium framerescue system, back protector) Engine Set Weight: 9,5Kg (engine, carbon frame, regulator, throttle control with cable, carbon composite casing) Battery Pack Weight: 9Kg (size: 35cmx15cmx20cm, capacity: 25 A/h) Propeller Set Weight: 1,5Kg (prop diameter 125cm, three carbon blades, head with folding mechanism) Maximum controler current: 400A / 70V Maximum engine power: 15kW Maximum used engine power: 13,5kW Maximum battery pack voltage: 63V Maximum propellerRPM: 2350 RPM (three blade 125cm) Maximum climb rate: 2,2m/sec (Gradient Avax XC3 26, take-off weight 110Kg) Maximum static thrust 514N (52.5 lbs) at 13.5 kW output Average level flight power: 4,8kW Batery pack details: 25Ah Li-Pol, 14S 5P 20-30C, peak voltage 63V, charging time 45-60min Average powered flight time: 20min (single charge) Body type: composite cantilevered construction Safety frame type: carbon-Kevlar composite.


Sobre o Autor

Instrutor de Asa Delta | Parapente pela Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre "CBVL" e Paramotor | Paratrike pela Confederação Brasileira de Paramotor "CBPM" | APPI PPG.
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