Doações para Cloudbase Foundation para o Nepal
Integrantes da CloudBase Foundation que estão no Nepal, estão ajudando a comunidade no que é possível, na trágica situação que o pais se encontra depois do forte terremoto da semana.. No site a um link de doação, se você quer ajudar entre e contribua.
All associated with the Cloudbase Foundation are saddened to hear of the recent earthquake event in Nepal. We currently have representatives in Nepal ready to help in any way possible and most importantly, help to insure that 100% of any donations specifically made to aid those affected are allocated to provide relief. If you wish to donate and help the families affected by the earthquake and aftermath, please click a donate button below (PayPal or Dwolla). All money received during this time will be considered a donation for Nepal unless otherwise noted. If you have a donation for one of our other projects please contact us to let us know.
Thank you so much.