Recorde Sul Americano de Parapente ratificado pela FAI by Donizete Lemos

Jul 05, 2015 No Comments by

FAI has ratified the following Class O (Hang Gliding and Paragliding)
South-American record :
Claim number : 17345
Sub-class :O-3 (Paragliders)
Category: General
Type of record : Straight distance
Course/location : Tacima (Brazil)
Performance : 478,00 km
Pilot : Donizete Baldessar Lemos (Brazil) Paraglider : Enzo 2 / Ozone Date
:05.11.2014 Previous record : no record set yet
FAI congratulates the Pilot on this splendid achievement.


Sobre o Autor

Instrutor de Asa Delta | Parapente pela Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre "CBVL" e Paramotor | Paratrike pela Confederação Brasileira de Paramotor "CBPM" | APPI PPG.
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