The GIN Gliders… CARRERA plus XC Challenge

Apr 25, 2016 No Comments by

ATENÇÃO pilotos que voam de GIN Carrera, participe do XContest 2016 confirmando seus voos… O vencedor da temporada ganhará uma SELETE GIN.

Na pagina da GIN GLIDERS.

The Carrera+ pilot who makes the highest-scoring XC flight during the 2016 XC season now has the chance to win a GIN harness.

Pilots who publish their flights to XContest will be automatically entered into the challenge. Please just make sure you use the correct paraglider name “GIN GLIDERS Carrera plus”.

The leader as of 19/4 is Joe Ward with 211km. We look forward to seeing this season’s flights – you can follow them over on the Carrera+ product page.










Sobre o Autor

Instrutor de Asa Delta | Parapente pela Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre "CBVL" e Paramotor | Paratrike pela Confederação Brasileira de Paramotor "CBPM" | APPI PPG.
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