Brasileiros em destaque na Prova 3 do PWC Bulgaria em Sopot.

Aug 21, 2018 No Comments by

Prova 3 em Sopot com um Race to Goal de 106.4km, vencida pelo sloveno Primoz Susa – OZONE | EnZo3… Grande destaque para Felipe Rezende com seu PROTO CCC chegando em 7º lugar a 37 segundos… Dos Brasileiros o destaque para o paulista Rafael Barros – OZONE | EnZo3… Os demais foram chegando no Goal, Deonir Spancerski – OZONE | EnZo3, Jeison Zeferino – FLOW | XCracer, Marcelo Prieto – OZONE | EnZo3, Gilmarzinho Couto – OZONE | EnZo3, Cristiano Ricci – GIN | Boomerang11, Marcela Uchoa – OZONE | EnZo3 e Washington Peruchi – OZONE | EnZo3.

39922715_1998812960141001_7766217438663802880_o Chegada a rampa após o teleférico.

Muitos comentarios no LIVE do site do PWC na etapa SOPOT – Bulgaria… Entre elas a da vela do Felipe Rezende proprietário da marca Flow Paragliders da Austrália…

Aos desavisados o PWC autoriza a participação de velas protótipos em espera de homologação.

Just a bit of clarification about Flow Gliders’ RFC wing in this competition. They already have a glider called the XCRacer, which is an EN D. The Flow RFC prototype, which Felipe is flying in this competition, is not called XCRacer, instead it is called the “”Flow RFC CCC””.

They are exploring a new concept not used by other companies making use of slightly fewer cells which lets them work with other aspects of the glider that can bring added performance without the commonly utilised “”100 cells””.

With this approach and with new technology they have managed to achieve the same or better levels of performance with 90 cells. They have achieved this through a combination of design solutions including fewer attachment points on the canopy which translates into less line consumption, a more cohesive canopy with better tensioning, a lighter canopy and with a more substantially reinforced leading edge.

39835075_1998813810140916_5436431270970130432_o Camera ON BOARD click aqui.

Resultado do dia.



Sobre o Autor

Instrutor de Asa Delta | Parapente pela Confederação Brasileira de Voo Livre "CBVL" e Paramotor | Paratrike pela Confederação Brasileira de Paramotor "CBPM" | APPI PPG.
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